Communication Strategy 2022
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 4
Communication - All Members...................................................................................................... 5
Communication - Active Members................................................................................................ 6
Communication - Prospective Members....................................................................................... 6
Communication - Deferred Members........................................................................................... 6
Communication - Pensioner Members.......................................................................................... 7
Communication - Scheme Employers............................................................................................ 8
Communication - Pension Committee and the Pension Board................................................... 10
Communication - Pension Fund and administration teams......................................................... 11
Communication – Other key stakeholders................................................................................. 11
Regulatory basis........................................................................................................................... 13
Our aims and objectives............................................................................................................... 14
Measurement of our communication objectives......................................................................... 18
Measuring performance against objectives.................................................................................. 18
Delivery of communications and general communication...................................................................18
Branding........................................................................................................................................ 19
Accessibility.................................................................................................................................. 19
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)............................................................................ 19
Costs............................................................................................................................................. 20
Approval, review, and consultation ............................................................................................ 20
Appendix 1 – document type, usage, and review ....................................................................... 21
Appendix 2 – Communications approval schedule ............................................................................22
The Communication Strategy sets out how the East Sussex Pension Fund (the Fund) will engage, educate, and fulfil the needs of its stakeholders including members and employers. The Fund is committed to developing communication which is relevant and engaging and is also clear and easy to navigate.
This statement outlines the Communication strategy for the Fund as per Regulation 61 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Regulations 2013. In consultation with Fund employers and scheme members through their representatives on the Pension Board or other feedback mechanisms for Fund employers and scheme members this strategy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary following each review.
East Sussex County Council (the administering authority) is responsible for the local administration of the Fund, which is part of the LGPS. The Fund liaises with circa 130 scheme employers to provide a valuable package of benefits to over 81,000 members.
The Fund has a large number of stakeholders but has identified the following distinct groups as its key stakeholders each with slightly different communication needs:
· Scheme members (active, deferred, pensioner and dependent members) and their representatives
· Prospective members
· Scheme employers and prospective Scheme employers
· Pension Committee and Pension Board members
· Pension Fund staff
· Pension Fund advisors and managers
· Other interested organisations including HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), the Department of Leveling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), other relevant Government Departments and the Scheme Advisory Board (SAB)
· Council Tax payers, members of the public and other cohorts not directly linked to the scheme
The main means of communication with our key stakeholders are outlined in this statement, which includes making the best use of technology where appropriate, to provide quicker and more efficient communications for the Fund's stakeholders. The fund will ensure that they provide communication methods that are accessible to all.
The Fund uses a variety of methods to communicate with active, deferred and pensioner members, and differentiates between them when delivering key messages to each specific audience group. Scheme members can nominate representatives that the Fund will communicate with on their behalf, subject to the provision of an appropriate letter of authority signed by the scheme member. The Pension Board will be asked to comment on any new communication measures being considered and their views taken into consideration before this strategy is updated.
The core communication objective is that all members understand the valuable package of benefits available through the LGPS, are kept up to date with any changes in scheme benefits, can access scheme information and have an awareness of the overall investment strategy and performance of the Fund.
The Pensions Helpline is a dedicated telephone number for queries. Telephone lines are open 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays). Phone number: 0300 200 1022
Post: East Sussex Pension Fund, Administration Team, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE
Newsletters – The Fund will publish newsletters via email which will direct members to the website. The newsletter will cover current pension topics linked to the LGPS and the wider pensions industry, along with important member messages. Further newsletters may be sent to members highlighting issues of importance, such as changes in scheme regulation or operation as they arise.
Active members – two newsletters a year
Deferred and Pensioner members – one newsletter a year
The Fund has its own website ( which provides extensive information and guides about the LGPS, factsheets, forms and up to date news about the Fund’s activities and achievements. This should be members main source of scheme information.
There are specific sections dedicated to different types of members.
In addition, members have access to the LGPS website. This site is for members of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) in England and Wales and their families. The website has recently been transformed to improve the user experience. There is loads of great content including easy to use tools and calculators, useful links, hints and tips, videos and lots of information to support scheme members.
Annual benefit statement- Statements are provided which details members current pension accrued to date and a projection to their Normal Retirement Age. These are provided to active scheme members by 31st August each year. The statements are made available online via member self-service or posted to members who have opted out of electronic communications (where addresses are known). The administration team will provide an annual update to the Pension Board to evidence that this is happening.
Member self-service Portal (My Pension)
Members have online access (once registered) to their current LGPS pension held by the Fund and their entitlement at retirement. There is the function to make pension projections at any time in the future, where a member is over 55 and under the age of 75, that will include any LGPS reduction or enhancement factors. Members can also update their expression of wish nomination(s), email address, home address and communication preferences.
Prospective Members – communication methods
Employer engagement - The Fund works with scheme employers to assist them in the joining arrangements for the LGPS. The Fund will also ensure that the benefits available to prospective members are highlighted regularly to employers through mention in conversations, newsletters and the employer forum.
Annual benefit statement– Statements are provided which details members current deferred pension and a projection to their Normal Retirement Age. These are provided to deferred scheme members by 31st August each year. The statements are made available online via member self-service or posted to members who have opted out of electronic communications (where addresses are known). The Fund’s administration team will provide an annual update to the Pension Board to evidence that this is happening.
Member self-service Portal – Deferred members have online access (once registered) to their current LGPS pension held by the Fund and their entitlement at retirement. There are calculators available showing how much their pension would be worth if they were to take their deferred benefits into payment or if they passed away. Members can also manually update their expression of wish nomination(s), email address, home address and communication preferences.
Member self-service Portal – Pensioners have online access (once registered) to their current LGPS pension held by the Fund. They can view (not print) pay slips* and P60s and access a calculator which show how much their pension would be worth if they were to die whilst in receipt of a pension. Members can also manually update their expression of wish nomination(s), email address, home address and communication preferences.
*Issued in March, April and May or when net pay changes by more than £5.
Pension Increase statements - Annual Pension Increase statements are sent to all pensioners informing them of the percentage rate their pension will increase by and their revised pension payment for the new financial year.
Payment Advice/P60 - Pensioners are issued with payment advice slips in March, April and May.
P60 notifications are issued annually (usually in April or May) and provide members with a breakdown of the payments they have received over the last financial year. P60s and pay slips are viewable online for those members who have registered for member self-service or issued in the post for others.
Communication with Scheme Employers
To assist scheme employers participating in the LGPS, the Fund has a range of communication materials and methods that aims to increase their understanding of pension issues and help them fulfil their responsibilities as scheme employers.
Administration Strategy – The Pension Administration strategy provides an overview of how the Fund and scheme employers will work together to achieve a high-quality service. It sets out, in detail, the obligations and responsibilities of both the Fund and the scheme employer to achieve set performance standards. This is available on the Fund's website.
This document includes Service Level Agreements (SLAs) which ensure best practice and compliance with audit requirements. The SLA sets out, in detail, the obligations and responsibilities of the scheme employer, the administering authority and the administrator, concerning all aspects of LGPS administration.
These Agreements are reviewed and updated annually taking into account changes made to the regulations and feedback from the Fund’s scheme employers. All the Fund's scheme employers are consulted on the administrative strategy following any revision to ensure they acknowledge their responsibilities.
Annual Report and Accounts -The audited accounts of the Fund are prepared as of 31 March each year and published on our website, usually in early December.
Designated employer contact -The Fund will request each scheme employer designate a named individual for Employer engagement with the appropriate delegations and provide a named payroll contact for the employer.
Employer forum – An annual forum for all scheme employers to provide information and training on administration activity, investment performance, actuarial insights and any scheme changes and current issues impacting the Fund and the LGPS. These offer a great opportunity for employers and Fund Officers to get together, to exchange news and views. Information such as presentations, questions and answers and handouts will be posted onto the employer section of the website after the event.
Employer newsletter – The Fund publishes a regular newsletter, aimed specifically at employers. It covers topical issues, technical information requiring employer attention and changes to regulations that impact on their duties and responsibilities. The newsletters are issued at least 3 times per year and are housed on our website.
Funding and investment – The Fund seek to provide and help employers understand the Funding Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy Statement including the performance of the Fund's Investment's (given its impact on employer contribution levels).
General Guidance and Assistance - The pension administration team or Employer Engagement Team can be contacted during normal office hours and are always available to answer any questions raised by Scheme employers.
HR and payroll guides – The Fund’s website has several guides available including LGPS31 Employer contribution guide, HR guide, outsourcing and admission agreements guide and payroll guide to the LGPS. LGPS31 forms will also be issued to the employer’s payroll contact annually reflecting any change in rates as set out in the actuarial rates certificate.
Individual employer meetings – The Employer Engagement Team can arrange face to face or virtual meetings with employers on request.
Training – The Fund are happy to support both group and individual training sessions for employers. For example, training on how to submit end of year returns, i-connect support, the responsibilities of a new employer to the Fund and support in preparing policies such as the Discretionary Policy.
Valuation Reports – a report issued every three years setting out the estimated assets and liabilities of the Fund as a whole, as well as setting out individual employer contribution rates for a three-year period commencing one year from the valuation date.
Website - There is an employer page on the Fund’s website with lots of information including the latest employer information, forms and guides, i-Connect and employer newsletters.
In accordance with the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations, associated legislation and the Pensions Committee terms of reference, the Pension Committee is responsible for all functions and responsibilities relating to the management of the Fund, this includes making arrangements for the investment, administration and management of the Pension Fund, receiving advice as appropriate from the Pension Board. The Pension Committee also agrees Policy Statements, as required under the LGPS regulations, and decides on the admission and cessation of bodies to the Pension Fund.
The Fund works closely with the Pension Committee and the Pension Board, and the core communication objective is to ensure that all scheme members are fully informed on pensions matters including investment, funding, audit, governance, administration and risk. They have regular training to ensure they have sufficient knowledge to fulfil their duties and responsibilities.
Members and Employers can locate further information on the Pension Committee including meetings, agendas and contact details via the ESCC website.
The Public Service Pensions Act 2013 requires the establishment of a Pension Board with the responsibility for “assisting the Scheme Manager” in securing compliance with all relevant pensions law, regulations and directions.
The Pension Board’s role is one of providing assurance in and governance of the scheme administration and helping to ensure that the Fund complies with the code of practice issued by the Pension Regulator.
Members and Employers can locate further information on the Pension Board including meetings, agendas and contact details via the ESCC website. Board members are representatives for scheme members and employers and feed into reports and activities of the Fund to the Pension Committee to ensure the Committee make effective decisions. Board members can be contacted at
It’s critical that Fund staff are kept up to date with important information on the LGPS, changes to policy and procedure within the Fund and the wider legislative and regulatory pensions industry. The Fund ensure that all staff have access to the relevant information and technical knowledge to enable them to perform their duties. This is achieved via use of email, personal development plans, performance management meetings, internal meetings, training events, a training strategy implemented through the Fund’s training coordinator and access to relevant qualifications.
ACCESS Pool - The Fund is a member of the ACCESS pool established by a group of 11 Councils, to invest assets on a pooled basis for the LGPS Funds administered by those Councils. It is important that ACCESS understands each Fund's investment strategy so that the pooled assets are invested in accordance with the investment strategies of the underlying Funds. Communication with ACCESS will be in several ways including directly at officer level and via the Joint Committee. The Pension Committee will receive regular updates on the activities of ACCESS and will also be responsible for deciding the assets to be invested in ACCESS. The Pension Board will receive regular updates on the governance activities of the pool and feed through views of the members and employers they represent.
Actuary* - The Fund communicates with the Fund Actuary to discuss funding levels, employer contributions, accounting information for scheme employers and the apportionment of the assets and calculation of the liabilities of the Fund.
AVC Provider - Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) are held and invested separately from the LGPS. The Fund's AVC current provider is Prudential Limited. Prudential provide communications directly to the AVC members. Communication with the Fund include assurance that records are complete, accounting information, range of products available and service review discussions. Fund officers provide an annual assurance report to the Pensions Committee.
Investment Managers & advisers* – The Fund regularly liaise with Investment Managers who invest on our behalf and with the Funds Investment Consultant and independent investment Advisor who provide help and advice on the asset allocation and investment strategy of the Fund.
Local Government Association (LGA) - The LGA liaises with LGPS Funds, Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) and DLUCH to ensure that all LGPS regulations are administered correctly as per the secretary of state’s instructions.
Department of Leveling Up, Communities and Housing (DLUCH) - The Fund has regular contact with DLUCH as a responsible LGPS Fund, participating and responding to consultations, as required.
Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) - The national SAB was established following the Public Services Pensions Act 2013. It provides advice to the Fund and Local Pension Boards in relation to the effective and efficient administration and management of the Scheme and their funds. The Fund therefore liaises with the SAB as appropriate.
The Pensions Regulator - The Pensions Regulator's remit has been extended to the Public Sector because of the Public Services Pensions Act 2013. The Fund liaises with the Regulator as required to ensure that it is compliant with the Pensions Regulator's Code of Practice.
Other - The Fund may also communicate with other stakeholders such as HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), Information Governor, National Insurance database, Tell us once service, Pensions Ombudsman, Moneyhelper, Ill health insurers.
*The Fund Actuary, Independent Adviser and Investment Adviser attend Pension Committee meetings.
The LGPS is a statutory scheme, established by an Act of Parliament. Regulation 61 of the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013, reproduced below, provides the conditions and regulatory guidance surrounding the production and implementation of Communications Strategies:
Statements of policy concerning communications with members and Scheme employers
61. (1) An administering authority must prepare, maintain, and publish a written
statement setting out its policy concerning communications with:
(a) members;
(b) representatives of members;
(c) prospective members; and
(d) Scheme employers.
(2) The statement must set out its policy on:
(a) the provision of information and publicity about the Scheme to members, representatives of members and Scheme employers;
(b) the format, frequency and method of distributing such information or publicity; and
(c) the promotion of the Scheme to prospective members and their employers.
(3) The statement must be revised and published by the administering authority following a material change in their policy on any of the matters referred to in paragraph (2).
This strategy has been developed to include the information required by those provisions and to describe the Fund’s approach in relation to meeting these requirements in the delivery of communications. Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations 2013 and other legislation includes various requirements relating to the provision of pension information (in addition to the requirements in the LGPS Regulations). The Fund aims to adhere with all such legislation and related statutory or best practice guidance. This includes the Pension Regulator's Code of Practice.
There are other regulatory requirements that the Fund adheres to, including the General Data Protection Regulations and the Freedom of Information Act.
To ensure that we are communicating effectively with our key stakeholders and that we continue to enhance the service we offer, we have set the following objectives:
To ensure our members understand the value of the package of benefits available through the LGPS.
To promote the benefits of the LGPS, as a valuable part of the pay and rewards package of employees who are entitled to join the Scheme.
To provide sufficient information and options so members can make informed decisions about their benefits.
To establish where gaps in member knowledge and understanding exist so we can look to develop effective training and resources to address these.
To communicate using plain English in a clear, concise, accessible manner.
To improve the access members have to their Local Government Pension Scheme by promoting online use of our self-service facility ‘My Pension’.
To ensure the most appropriate means of communication is used, considering the different needs of different stakeholders, including providing more accessibility through greater use of technology where appropriate.
To regularly evaluate the effectiveness of communications with key stakeholders with a primary focus on scheme members and employers and shape future communications appropriately.
To support employers in fulfilling their responsibilities relating to the LGPS.
To help employers respond to LGPS issues/consultations that affect them or their employees.
To ensure all Fund officers understand the key messages and approach in order that they can communicate with stakeholders effectively.
To ensure that both members and employers have an awareness of the investment strategy and overall performance of the Investment Fund.
The Fund will monitor success against our communication objectives as listed here.
Measurement |
To ensure our members understand the value of the package of benefits available through the LGPS.
To promote the benefits of the LGPS, as a valuable part of the pay and rewards package of employees who are entitled to join the Scheme.
To provide sufficient information and options so members can make informed decisions about their benefits.
To establish where gaps in member knowledge and understanding exist so we can look to develop effective training and resources to address these.
▪ Bulk email engagement ratings (% opened & click through rate). Available when email marketing software in place. ▪ Satisfaction levels achieved in annual member surveys and monthly helpdesk surveys. ▪ Responses to any specific member Communication questions in annual survey. ▪ Feedback from the Pension Board and Communications Working Group. ▪ Feedback from communications issued to members and employers received through the administration team, helpdesk or employer engagement teams. ▪ Analyse website visits and duration. ▪ Measure success of feedback from members to questions and answers available via a chatbot (chatbots are programs built to automatically engage with received messages). The Fund is looking to implement a chatbot in 2022. |
To improve the access members have to their Local Government Pension Scheme by promoting online use of our self-service facility ‘My Pension’. |
▪ Increase the total number of members registered for the self-service portal by 10% by year end 2022. ▪ Increased use of member self-service portal features by existing users. ▪ Reduction in queries to helpdesk.
To communicate using plain English in a clear, concise, accessible manner. |
▪ Employer and member satisfaction levels analysed from surveys conducted with both groups. ▪ Monitor enquiries from stakeholders following key events and communications. ▪ Bulk email engagement ratings (% opened & click through rate). ▪ Ensure documents are verified for accessibility purposes. The fund will ensure that there is a clear version and dating process so that members and employers are always working from the latest iteration. |
To ensure the most appropriate means of communication is used, considering the different needs of different stakeholders, including providing more accessibility through greater use of technology where appropriate. |
▪ Increasing use of digital services for both scheme members and scheme employers. ▪ Monitor use and effectiveness of current and new forms of communication with key stakeholder groups. ▪ Responses to any specific questions in annual survey issued to scheme employers and scheme members in this area. ▪ Ensure that all forms and scheme literature is accessible to all. |
To regularly evaluate the effectiveness of communications with key stakeholders with a primary focus on scheme members and employers and shape future communications appropriately.
▪ Undertaking a satisfaction survey annually. ▪ Detailed analysis of survey results is used to identify areas to improve communications in future, and trends monitored from previous years. ▪ Compliments and complaints are recorded and trends analysed. ▪ The Communications Working Group will work with the Pension Board to annually evaluate the effectiveness of communications. |
▪ Ensure that the investment area of the website always houses current information on investment strategy, responsible investment principles, stewardship, asset allocation and performance. ▪ Conduct training with employers on funding and investment
▪ Communicate key scheme changes via email and ensure regular attendance of pension and project meetings where appropriate. ▪ Ensure officers have personal development plans and regular performance management meetings. ▪ Attendance of relevant training events. ▪ Officers have access to relevant qualifications and display continual professional development. ▪ Officers ensure that all corporate training modules are completed. ▪ Conduct an annual assessment of officer’s skills against CIPFA’s Knowledge and Skills Framework and ensure gaps are rectified and improvement noted. · All training is logged by the Funds training coordinator.
To ensure that both members and employers have an awareness of the investment strategy and overall performance of the Investment Fund.
▪ Ensure that the investment area of the website always houses current information on investment strategy, responsible investment principles, stewardship, asset allocation and performance. ▪ Conduct training with employers on funding and investment. |
Communications Working Group
The Fund has a Communications Working Group made up of officers, Board members and union representatives that oversee communications from the Fund and aim to improve the user experience of key stakeholders of the Fund. This group can advise the board and committee of possible improvements in communications including policy and delivery methods.
Measuring performance against objectives
An overview of our performance against these objectives will be officially reported within the Fund's annual report and accounts. If performance is substantially below standard (whether by a large margin for a short period of time or a small margin for a longer period) the Fund will formulate an improvement plan. This will be reported to the Pension Committee and Pension Board together with an ongoing update on achievement against the improvement plan.
Responsibility for Fund management is delegated to the Pension Committee, taking into consideration advice from the Pension Board. The Committee will seek to monitor the implementation of this Strategy on a regular basis.
The day-to-day delivery of member communication and associated administration related communications and information governance is undertaken by the Fund's administration team, supported by other pension officers. The delivery of scheme employer support (including payroll and data) and other stakeholder related communications is jointly provided by the Administration Team and Employer Engagement Team.
The Fund has at its disposal a wide range of options for communicating with the diverse groups that it needs to serve. The method of communication will vary depending on what needs to be communicated and to whom but electronic will be the preferred option. The methods used by the Fund to communicate with all interested parties are detailed in this strategy paper.
When considering how to communicate with our stakeholders the intended audience is considered to ensure that messages are delivered in a useful and easy to follow manner. Communication is tailored to the recipient’s needs, making sure that messages are clear, consistent and use plain English. Communications are delivered using the most appropriate method and there will be continued development of digital platforms to encourage greater online accessibility to the Fund’s services for all stakeholders.
Every communication should have a clear purpose and fit into the overall communications plan, to ensure that they are cost effective. The Fund actively seeks feedback from each of its key stakeholders to continually review, enhance and improve communication methods. The Fund also adheres to other legislative requirements, including the General Data Protection Regulations, Freedom of Information Act, and pension disclosure legislation. The Fund also aims to adhere to good practice standards such as the National Website Standards.
The Fund acknowledges that our visual identification is one of our most powerful assets. It tells people who we are and influences how they remember and relate to us. The Fund will look to improve the use of their current brand (logo, font, colour palette, dos and don’ts, use of different file types) during 2022. This will help distinguish the Fund from East Sussex County Council whilst still appearing as part of the same organisation.
Ongoing work will also take place to ensure the Fund has a distinctive identity which captures what people think about the scheme - achieved by tone, language, visuals, and style of communication. This could potentially draw on the theme of security (defined benefit) and lifestyle (how regular engagement with your pension plan shapes your quality of life in retirement).
The Fund is committed to ensuring that all stakeholders can access services equally and knows that some individuals may require information to be provided in specific formats. While demand for alternative formats remains low, the Fund can issue documents in braille, large print, or audio format on request.
GDPR came into force on 25 May 2018 and requires Privacy Notices to be published by the Fund, so we are transparent on how personal data is used.
The Fund has produced and published both full and summarised Privacy Notices on their website explaining how the Pension Fund collects personal data, what that data is used for, with whom that data is shared and the rights of individuals regarding their data.
The key (potential) risks to the delivery of this Strategy are outlined below. The Head of Pensions along with other officers will work with the Pension Committee and Pension Board in monitoring these and other key risks and considering how to respond to them.
· Lack or reduction of skilled resources due to difficulty retaining and recruiting staff
· Risk of loss key / senior staff resulting in lost knowledge and skills in the Pensions Team
· Staff absence due to sickness
· Failure to communicate with staff members in relation to scheme changes
· Lack of decision making due to loss of Pension Committee/Pension Board member
· Lack of adequate software or IT solutions – particularly in the digital communications area
· Significant increase in the number of employing bodies causing strain on day-to-day delivery
· Significant external factors, such as national change, impacting on workload
· Issuing incorrect or inaccurate communications
· Failure to maintain scheme employer database leading to information not being sent to the correct person
· Lack of clear communication to scheme employers, scheme members and pensioners
· A major change to the LGPS legislative environment.
All costs relating to this Strategy are met directly by the Fund (unless indicated).
This Communications Strategy was approved on xx xxx xxxx by the East Sussex Pension Committee. It will be formally reviewed annually and updated by the Committee at least every three years or sooner if the communications arrangements or other matters included within it merit reconsideration (including if there are any changes to the LGPS or other relevant Regulations or Guidance need to be considered).
If you require further information about this Communications Strategy, please contact:
Sian Kunert, Head of Pensions
or Paul Linfield, Pension Communication
East Sussex Pension
East Sussex Pension Fund
Email: Email:
Available to |
Document |
Web |
Active |
Deferred |
Pensioner |
Employer |
Published |
Reviewed |
Administration strategy incl SLAs |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
3-yearly |
Annually |
Annual Report and Accounts
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Annually |
Annually |
AVC guides
P |
x |
P |
x |
x |
P |
Always available |
Ongoing |
Benefit statements
P |
P* |
P |
P |
x |
x |
Annually |
Annually |
Board and Pension Committee papers |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Quarterly |
Quarterly |
Communication Strategy |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Every 3 years* |
Annually |
Employer Forum
P |
x |
x |
x |
x |
P |
Annually |
Annually |
Funding strategy
P |
P |
x |
x |
x |
P |
Every 3 years |
Every 3 years |
Investment Strategy
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Annually |
Ongoing |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Always available |
Ongoing (by LGPS) |
Member self-service |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
x |
Always available |
Ongoing |
P |
P* |
P |
P |
x |
P |
ER – 3 times per year / MBR – twice per year |
Ongoing |
Pay slips
P |
P |
x |
x |
P |
x |
March, April, May |
Ongoing |
P |
P |
x |
x |
P |
x |
Annually |
Annually |
Pension increase letter |
P |
P |
x |
x |
P |
x |
Annually |
Annually |
Statement of Responsible Investment principles |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Annually |
Ongoing |
Scheme guide
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Always available |
Ongoing (by LGPS) |
P |
x |
P |
x |
P |
P |
Annually |
Annually |
P |
P |
x |
x |
x |
P |
Always available |
Ongoing |
Website |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Always available |
Ongoing |
*For members who have asked to be removed from electronic communications or on request only.
The Fund are happy to provide information above in a different format such as large print, coloured background, Braille or in a different language if required.
Appendix 2 - Communications review and approval schedule |
Document |
Head of Admin |
Investment Manager |
Employer Engagement Manager |
Governance Manager |
Comm’s Manager |
Head of Pensions |
Comm’s Working Group |
Pension Committee |
Pension Board |
Chair of Pension Committee |
Section 151 Officer |
Abatement Policy |
P |
x |
x |
P |
P |
P |
X |
Approver |
P |
x |
x |
Admin strategy* |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Approver |
P |
x |
x |
Annual Report and Accts |
x |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
x |
Approver |
P |
x |
P |
Benefit Statements |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Breaches/ /privacy |
x |
x |
x |
P |
P |
P |
x |
Approver |
P |
x |
x |
Comm’s Strategy |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Approver |
P |
x |
x |
Employer Forum |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
x |
P |
P |
x |
Funding strategy* |
x |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
x |
Approver |
P |
x |
P |
Inv related comm’s |
x |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Investment Strategy |
x |
P |
x |
P |
P |
P |
P |
Approver |
x |
x |
P |
Literature / guides |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Media enquiries |
x |
x |
x |
x |
P |
P |
x |
x |
x |
P |
Approver |
Member self-service |
P |
x |
P |
x |
P |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
P |
X except if inv info incl |
P |
P |
P |
x |
P |
x |
x |
x |
x |
P60 mailing
P |
x |
x |
x |
P |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Pension increase letter |
P |
x |
x |
x |
P |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Responsible Inv reports |
x |
P |
x |
x |
P |
P |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
P |
X except if inv info incl |
P |
P |
P |
P |
P |
x |
x |
x |
x |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
P - based on content incl |
x |
x |
x |
x |
*Must go through employer consultation